Showing 11–17 of 17 results

Iceberg Lettuce

The stem has in its beginning disk form, from which arise the leaves forming rosettes that later are accommodated. Iceberg lettuces form spherical buds similar to cabbage. Its advantage is that its thick leaves remain firm for quite some time after being harvested. Varieties: Belongs to the variety of lettuces. Seasonality: The best season for lettuce is spring (although it depends a lot on the variety), but we can really find it at any time of the year.


Fruit usually square shape of medium / large size, of smooth and firm skin, very meaty, yellow, red or green and sweet flavour. Varieties: The most commercialized variety is the California type, although Avocitrus also commercializes the Lamuyo variety from Almeria when it is season. Seasonality: We can find them throughout the year, the best being collected in autumn, winter and spring. From October to June.

Plum Tomato

Also known as "Roma" tomato, it is a smooth berry, of medium fruit with shape that justifies its name. Hard skin, bright red. Fleshy with few seeds, sweet, tasty and aromatic. Varieties: Among the most commercial varieties that can be presented: Plum Cherry vive Tomato, Plum Cherry vine Kumato, Orange Cherry Plum Tomato, Plum Cherry Red Tomato, Cherry Plum, Guernica Tomato, Plum Tomato, Plum Tomato on the vine. Seasonality: Modern cultivation techniques have made it possible to have fresh tomatoes throughout the year, although they are one of the earliest varieties. In March, specimens can be found.

Romana Lettuce

Leaves wide, erect, medium green, embossed. Form large buds, very uniform. Varieties: Belongs to one of the botanical groups in which the lettuce can be classified: Roman, shelled, leafy lettuce and asparagus. Seasonality: It is collected throughout the year.

Sweet Potato

Also known as Batata, chaco or sweet potato. Brownish on the outside and yellowish or white on the inside, about twelve centimetres long, five in diameter; Has some resemblance to the potato, although it is more irregularly shaped, elongated and pointed at the ends and its taste is surprisingly very sweet. Varieties: There are many varieties depending on the colour of the skin and the meat. So we can find the following: Californian, red meat, Jasper, red meat, Violet, smooth skin violet and pink meat, Georgia, orange flesh, Rosa de Malaga, Amarilla de Malaga, Lisa de Tucumán, etc. Seasonality: Normally harvested during the months of October and November

Tomato Black Iberiko

Vine Tomato

Medium size berry with rounded shape, inserted in a vine that is allowed to mature in the branch of the tomato. Thin living red skin very attractive. Good taste and texture, bittersweet, refreshing and aromatic. Varieties: The tomato on the vine is not strictly a variety but a way of presentation that retains its qualities better. Among the commercial varieties that can be presented on the vine: Yellow Tomato vine, Yellow Cherry Tomato vine, Plum Cherry Tomato vine, Cherry Tomato vine, Orange Tomato vine, Plum Vine Tomato. Seasonality: Modern techniques of cultivation and experimentation with mixture of varieties, have made it possible to have fresh tomatoes throughout the year, although it is from June to October that we find the best quality.