Cherry Tomato

Originally from America, from the Peruvian Andes, it was later domesticated in Mexico. Its name comes from the Aztec “tomatl”. He arrived in Europe from Mexico through the Spanish navigators. The first species to arrive were yellow tomatoes. There has been news of its consumption in Europe since 1540, when it was used in salads.



Round shape with a similar appearance to the cherries, has a diameter between 1 and 3cm, its weight oscillates between 10 and 15gr., They are usually of several colours although the most common is the intense red colour and its flavour is less acid and sweeter than the traditional tomato.

Varieties: Among the most commercial varieties of cherry tomatoes that can be presented: Yellow Cherry Tomato, Yellow Cherry Tomato on the vine, Cherry Tomato, Cherry Tomato Kumato, Cherry Mix Tomato, Plum Cherry Tomato Yellow, Plum Cherry Tomato, Tomato Cherry on the vine Kumato, Cherry on the vine Tomato Orange, Plum Cherry on the vine Tomato Red, Cherry Tomato on the vine, Cherry Tomato Tiger.

Seasonality: Modern techniques of cultivation and experimentation with mixture of varieties, have made it possible to have fresh tomatoes throughout the year, although it is from June to October that we find the best quality.