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Dutch cucumber is a variety of large and straight fruit cucumber, at least 25 cm in length. Its skin is smooth green and somewhat seamed. The meat is whitish and semi-crusty green. French is similar but shorter and more rugged. Varieties: The most commercialized by Avocitrus is Dutch and French cucumber. Seasonality: Due to its adapted cultivation in greenhouses, we can find it throughout the year. Cultivated naturally we will find them in the summer months.

Fine Beans

The colour is green, cylindrical in shape and fleshy, small, very thin and without fibres. Its seeds are small and coloured Varieties: There are many different varieties of beans that are distinguished by shape, colour, flavour and nutritive value. Generally, string beans have thicker, flattened pods than dwarf beans. Seasonality: We can find them throughout the year in our markets but we do not market it in the hottest months to avoid quality problems. We also have Runners Beans.

Flat Peach

Flat peaches have a shape very similar to the peach with which they share their velvety skin and its colour. Its shape is flatter, being a smaller fruit. Its flavour is sweeter than the peach. Varieties: There are different varieties: white pulp with or without greenish or reddish veins, yellow pulp, totally or partially detached from the seed. Seasonality: From the end of May until the end of September we will find them fresh in our markets.


Garlic belongs to the monocotyledon class. It is an herbaceous plant, annual, devoid of stem, with very greyish green leaves very long, that emerge directly from the bulb and reach between 40 and 60 cm. It has a very strong, typical smell. Varieties: Garlic varieties are classified according to different criteria, such as the colour of the tunics, the precocity, the flowering capacity or not. In Spain two varieties of garlic are basically considered. White garlic: they are rustic garlic, of good productivity and conservation. They are often eaten dry. Some varieties include 'Common White garlic' and 'Fino from Chinchón'. Pink garlic: they have the reddish colour tunics. They are not very well preserved, so they are usually consumed before the previous ones. Seasonality: Spanish markets have garlic throughout the year.

Iceberg Lettuce

The stem has in its beginning disk form, from which arise the leaves forming rosettes that later are accommodated. Iceberg lettuces form spherical buds similar to cabbage. Its advantage is that its thick leaves remain firm for quite some time after being harvested. Varieties: Belongs to the variety of lettuces. Seasonality: The best season for lettuce is spring (although it depends a lot on the variety), but we can really find it at any time of the year.


Almost round, it has a intense yellow colour and a smooth and strong skin. Its pulp is of a whitish yellowish colour divided in segments with much juice and with a recognized acid flavour. When you cut it from the tree, it gives off a unique aroma. Varieties: We find a multitude of varieties depending on the colour and the type of skin, for example: Fine, Primofiori or Verna. The last two are the most commercialized in Spain, both with yellow colour and good size, with thick skin and very aromatic. Seasonality: We can find fresh lemons all year round, although we can find just Redrojo in summer time, which is green skin.


Description: Shape similar to the lemon but smaller, with green or yellow bark and whose pulp is divided into segments full of juice and without seeds. The skin is soft and of little thickness compared to the skin of other citrus fruits like oranges or lemons. Its taste is sour. Varieties: Among the best known varieties are: Lima kaffir, acid lime or Galician lime, Persian lime or Tahiti lime, lime chichona or lime bergamot, lemonsón or lemon from Rome, sweet Indian lime or lime from Palestine, lime Canton or lime rangpur, the long lime, the desert lime Seasonality: They are available in our markets throughout the year, when Avocitrus does not have from Spain, we import from Colombia to always offer the best product.


It has oval shape and rather small size. Its fine skin is orange as well as the flesh. Inside it houses a thick brown seed. Its flavour is sweet with a slight acid touch. Varieties: We know the following varieties: Japanese, Algar, Chinese, Tanaka, Peluche and Golden Nuget. This last one is cultivated in zones of Malaga and Granada and it picks up big fruits, almost round, and more acidic flavour. Seasonality: The best time to consume it is during the months of April and May, although we can also find them in March and June.


Round fruit slightly flattened, about 4-7 cm in length and between 5 and 8 cm in diameter. His skin, smooth and bright, varies from yellowish green to orange red, the most common being orange. The pulp, divided into segments full of juice, is orange, fibrous texture and bittersweet flavour. Varieties: The varieties that we can find in the Spanish markets are: Satsumas (Okitsu and Clauselina), Clementines (Fina, Clemenules and Hernandina) and Hybrids (Fortune and Ortanique). Seasonality: We can find them during the months of November to March.


Oval or spheroidal, it measures between 5 and 20 cm in length and its weight is around 400 gr. The skin is thin and inedible, with varying colours between yellow and red. The pulp, which grows around the fibrous bone, is fleshy, almost orange in colour, very juicy and with an exotically sweet flavour. Varieties: We find varieties depending on skin colour and size. Among them we emphasize Keith, Kent, Irwin and Tommy. Seasonality: Mango harvesting is from August to November, and can be extended to July as well.